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Journal Article
Martín-Martínez, D., P. Casaseca-de-la-Higuera, S. Alberola-Lopez, J. Maria Andres-de-Llano, JA. López-Villalobos, J. Ardura-Fernández, and C. Alberola-Lopez, "Nonlinear analysis of actigraphic signals for the assessment of the attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)", Medical engineering & physics, vol. 34, no. 9: Elsevier, pp. 1317–1329, 2012.
Royuela-del-Val, J., L. Cordero-Grande, F. Simmross-Wattenberg, M. Martín-Fernández, and C. Alberola-Lopez, "Non-Rigid Groupwise Registration for Motion Estimation and Compensation in Compressed Sensing Reconstruction of Breath-Hold Cardiac Cine MRI", Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2015.
Aja-Fernández, S., A. Tristán-Vega, and C. Alberola-Lopez, "Noise estimation in single-and multiple-coil magnetic resonance data based on statistical models", Magnetic resonance imaging, vol. 27, no. 10: Elsevier, pp. 1397–1409, 2009.
Aja-Fernández, S., C. Alberola-Lopez, and C-F. Westin, "Noise and signal estimation in magnitude MRI and Rician distributed images: a LMMSE approach", Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 17, no. 8: IEEE, pp. 1383–1398, 2008.
Merino-Caviedes, S., L. Cordero-Grande, A. Revilla-Orodea, M. T. Perez, M. Martin-Fernandez, and C. Alberola-Lopez, "Multi-stencil streamline fast marching: a general 3D framework to determine myocardial thickness and transmurality in late enhancement images", Medical Imaging, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 33, pp. 23–37, 2014.
Cordero-Grande, L., J. Royuela-del-Val, S. Sanz-Estébanez, M. Martin-Fernandez, and C. Alberola-Lopez, "Multi-oriented windowed harmonic phase reconstruction for robust cardiac strain imaging", Medical Image Analysis, vol. 29, pp. 1-11, 2016.
Ruiz-Alzola, J., C. Alberola-Lopez, and J-R. Casar Corredera, "Model-based stereo-visual tracking: Covariance analysis and tracking schemes", Signal Processing, vol. 80, no. 1: Elsevier, pp. 23–43, 2000.
Aja-Fernández, S., and C. Alberola-Lopez, "Matrix modeling of hierarchical fuzzy systems", Fuzzy Systems, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 16, no. 3: IEEE, pp. 585–599, 2008.
Cordero-Grande, L., G. Vegas-Sánchez-Ferrero, P. Casaseca-de-la-Higuera, and C. Alberola-Lopez, "A Markov random field approach for topology-preserving registration: Application to object-based tomographic image interpolation", Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 21, no. 4: IEEE, pp. 2047–2061, 2012.
Royuela-del-Val, J., F. Simmross-Wattenberg, and C. Alberola-Lopez, "Libstable: Fast, parallel, and high-precision computation of α-stable distributions in R, C/C++, and MATLAB", Journal of Statistical Software, vol. 78, issue 1, pp. 1-25, 2017.
Lopez-Messa, J B., JR. Garmendia-Leiza, MD. Aguilar-Garcia, J. María And De Llano, J. Ardura-Fernández, and C. Alberola-Lopez, "La edad como factor modificador del ritmo circadiano del infarto agudo de miocardio", Medicina intensiva, vol. 29, no. 9: Elsevier, pp. 455–461, 2005.
Ruiz-Alzola, J., C. Alberola-Lopez, and C-F. Westin, "Kriging filters for multidimensional signal processing", Signal Processing, vol. 85, no. 2: Elsevier, pp. 413–439, 2005.
Sanz-Estébanez, S., I. Rabanillo-Viloria, J. Royuela-del-Val, S. Aja-Fernández, and C. Alberola-Lopez, "Joint Groupwise Registration and ADC Estimation in the Liver using a B-Value Weighted Metric", Magnetic Resonance Imaging, vol. 46, pp. 1-8, 2018.
Royuela-del-Val, J., L. Cordero-Grande, F. Simmross-Wattenberg, M. Martín-Fernández, and C. Alberola-Lopez, "Jacobian weighted temporal total variation for motion compensated compressed sensing reconstruction of dynamic MRI", Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2016.
Garmendia-Leiza, J R., A. M Garcia, J. María And De Llano, D. Martín-Martínez, P. Casaseca-de-la-Higuera, and C. Alberola-Lopez, "Influence of institutionalization on the sleep pattern in elderly population", Sleep Medicine, vol. 14: Elsevier, pp. e181–e182, 2013.
Muñoz-Moreno, E., R. Cárdenes-Almeida, R. de Luis-García, M. Angel Martin-Fernandez, and C. Alberola-Lopez, "Image registration based on automatic detection of anatomical landmarks for bone age assessment", WSEAS Transactions on Computers, vol. 4, no. 11, pp. 1596–1603, 2005.
Cordero-Grande, L., S. Merino-Caviedes, S. Aja-Fernández, and C. Alberola-Lopez, "Groupwise elastic registration by a new sparsity-promoting metric: application to the alignment of cardiac magnetic resonance perfusion images", Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 35, no. 11: IEEE, pp. 2638–2650, 2013.
Simmross-Wattenberg, F., C. Palacios-Camarero, P. Casaseca-de-la-Higuera, M. Angel Martin-Fernandez, S. Aja-Fernández, J. Ruiz-Alzola, C-F. Westin, and C. Alberola-Lopez, "Group-Slicer: A collaborative extension of 3D-Slicer", Journal of Biomedical Informatics, vol. 38, pp. 431–442, 2005.
de Luis-García, R., C-F. Westin, and C. Alberola-Lopez, "Geometrical constraints for robust tractography selection", NeuroImage, vol. 81: Academic Press, pp. 26–48, 2013.
de Luis-García, R., C-F. Westin, and C. Alberola-Lopez, "Gaussian mixtures on tensor fields for segmentation: Applications to medical imaging", Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, vol. 35, no. 1: Elsevier, pp. 16–30, 2011.
Aja-Fernández, S., and C. Alberola-Lopez, "Fuzzy feedback system analysis using transition matrices", Fuzzy sets and systems, vol. 157, no. 4: Elsevier, pp. 516–543, 2006.
Aja-Fernández, S., and C. Alberola-Lopez, "Fast inference using transition matrices: An extension to nonlinear operators", Fuzzy Systems, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 13, no. 4: IEEE, pp. 478–490, 2005.
Aja-Fernández, S., and C. Alberola-Lopez, "Fast inference in SAM fuzzy systems using transition matrices", Fuzzy Systems, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 12, no. 2: IEEE, pp. 170–182, 2004.
Simmross-Wattenberg, F., M. Martín-Fernández, P. Casaseca-de-la-Higuera, and C. Alberola-Lopez, "Fast calculation of alpha-stable density functions based on off-line precomputations. Application to ML parameter estimation", Digital Signal Processing, vol. 38, pp. 1-12, 2015.
Cárdenes-Almeida, R., C. Alberola-Lopez, and J. Ruiz-Alzola, "Fast and accurate geodesic distance transform by ordered propagation", Image and Vision Computing, vol. 28, no. 3: Elsevier, pp. 307–316, 2010.
