Laboratorio de Procesado de Imagen

(Image Processing Lab)
E.T.S.I. Telecomunicación
Campus Miguel Delibes s/n
Universidad de Valladolid
47011 Valladolid, Spain

Participación del LPI en el Museo de la Ciencia de Valladolid

[24 Nov 2016]

EL LPI participó el miércoles 23 de noviembre de 2016 en el II ciclo de conferencias "A tu Salud" organizadas por el Museo de la Ciencia de Valladolid. La conferencia tuvo el título "Resonancia magnética: ingeniería para la medicina del futuro", y en ella se expusieron a nivel divulgativo los fundamentos físicos de la resonancia magnética, se mostraron sus similitudes con los sistemas y tecnologías de radiocomunicaciones y sus características diferenciales con respecto a otras técnicas de imagen diagnóstica.

Novel non-stationary noise estimation technique for MRI published

[14 Nov 2016]

A novel technique to estimate non-stationary patterns of noise in parallel MRI data has been published in the journal IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence: Non-Stationary Rician Noise Estimation in Parallel MRI using a Single Image: a Variance-Stabilizing Approach. The article is a collaboration of the University of Valladolid with  AGH University of Science and Technology (Krakow, Poland), with the Applied Chest Imaging Laboratory (ACIL), Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School (Boston, USA) and with the Biomedical Image Technologies Laboratory, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Spain).

LPI at MISS 2016

[26 Aug 2016]

2016 Medical Imaging Summer School (MISS) took place the first week of August in Favignana, Sicily. MISS is a novel initiative endorsed by MICCAI Society delivered by world renowned experts from both academia and industry focused on stimulating young researchers and Ph.D. students.   

LPI was present as part of the poster session with the communication entitled "Non-Stationary Noise Estimation in Accelerated Parallel MRI Data" by Tomasz Pieçiak.
