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"Validation of Deep Learning techniques for quality augmentation in diffusion MRI for clinical studies", 2023 ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition, vol. 2786, 2023.
, "Validation of Deep Learning techniques for quality augmentation in diffusion MRI for clinical studies", 2023 ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition, vol. 2786, 2023.
, "On the estimation of joint probability density functions for multi-modal registration of medical images", Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica (CASEIB), vol. 26, Valladolid, Spain, Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica, pp. 13-16, 2008.
, "A new method for fiber tractography in diffusion tensor magnetic resonance images", Proc. of the IEEE Int’l Conf. on Signal and Image Processing, ICSIP, vol. 6, pp. 380–385, 2006.
, "Abnormal Capillary Vasodynamics Contribute to Ictal Neurodegeneration in Epilepsy", Scientific Reports, vol. 7, 2017.
, "Analysis of the pyramidal tract in tumor patients using diffusion tensor imaging", NeuroImage, vol. 50, no. 1: Elsevier, pp. 27–39, 2010.
, "Anomaly detection in network traffic based on statistical inference and alpha-stable modeling", Dependable and Secure Computing, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 8, pp. 494–509, 2011.
, "An Automatic Non-Destructive Method for the Classification of the Ripeness Stage of Red Delicious Apples in Orchards Using Aerial Video", Agronomy, vol. 9, issue 84, 2019.
, "Automatic non-destructive video estimation of maturation levels in Fuji apple (Malus Malus pumila) fruit in orchard based on colour (Vis) and spectral (NIR) data", Biosystems Engineering, vol. 195, pp. 136–151, 2020.
, "A Clinically Viable Vendor-Independent and Device-Agnostic Solution for Accelerated Cardiac MRI Reconstruction", Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, vol. 207, 2021.
, "A Computer Vision System Based on Majority-Voting Ensemble Neural Network for the Automatic Classification of Three Chickpea Varieties", Foods, vol. 9, pp. 113, 2020.
, "A Computer Vision System for the Automatic Classification of Five Varieties of Tree Leaf Images", Computers, vol. 9, pp. 6, 2020.
, "Effects of the onabotulinumtoxinA follow-up delay in migraine course during the COVID-19 lockdown", Neurological Sciences, vol. 42, pp. 5087-5092, 2021.
, "Efficient and Robust Image Restoration Using Multiple-Feature L2-Relaxed Sparse Analysis Priors", IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 24, pp. 5046-5059, Dec, 2015.
, "Efficient computation of image moments for robust cough detection using smartphones", Computers in biology and medicine, vol. 100, pp. 176–185, 2018.
, "Efficient k-NN Implementation for Real-Time Detection of Cough Events in Smartphones", IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, vol. 23, pp. 1662-1671, 2018.
, "Efficient tracking of MR tensor fields using a multilayer neural network", IAENG International Journal of Computer Science, vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 129–139, 2008.
, "Evaluation of the Impact of the COVID-19 Lockdown in the Clinical Course of Migraine", Pain Medicine, vol. 22, pp. 2079-2091, 2021.
, "Factors associated with the presence of headache in hospitalized COVID-19 patients and impact on prognosis: a retrospective cohort study", The Journal of Headache and Pain, vol. 21, pp. 94, Jul, 2020.
, "Factors associated with the presence of headache in hospitalized COVID-19 patients and impact on prognosis: a retrospective cohort study", The Journal of Headache and Pain, vol. 21, pp. 94, Jul, 2020.
, "Fast 4D elastic group-wise image registration. Convolutional interpolation revisited", Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, vol. 200, pp. 105812, 2021.
, "Fast calculation of alpha-stable density functions based on off-line precomputations. Application to ML parameter estimation", Digital Signal Processing, vol. 38, pp. 1-12, 2015.
, "Gamma mixture classifier for plaque detection in intravascular ultrasonic images", Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 61, no. 1: IEEE, pp. 44–61, 2014.
, "Gamma mixture classifier for plaque detection in intravascular ultrasonic images", Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 61, no. 1: IEEE, pp. 44–61, 2014.
, "Gamma mixture classifier for plaque detection in intravascular ultrasonic images", Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 61, no. 1: IEEE, pp. 44–61, 2014.